We don't want to be like other master agents.
That fact that we get philosophical about the support we provide our partners should be a clue that we don't do business like most other master agents. How we got here is a big reason why — we've been in the same shoes as our partners. We know that you need more than a pile of quotes. We understand the value of sales partner support.
How many times have you seen this in your business — a customer tells you exactly what they want, only for you to show them that what they need is completely different? Communications services are especially vulnerable to that sort of mistake.
We help our partners avoid that problem by making sure that our sales partner support philosophy focuses on the business requirements first. It's our responsibility to know the carrier products, not yours.
Aren't we in the communications business, after all?
We're always surprised to hear our partners rave about our accessibility and communication. How ironic is it that our industry, based as it is on communications, is one of the worst at actually communicating?
Another cornerstone of our sales partner support philosophy is based on challenging that embarrassing reality. Everything about how we do business, down to our proprietary technology infrastructure, is geared toward making communication effortless. We work hard to be accessible to our partners.
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